Your support can save a baby from abortion

A Patient is a Person NO MATTER How Small!

As we celebrate the Lord’s faithfulness for 20 years of ministry, specifically over 1,700 lives saved, we look forward to HIS continued blessings as we seek to share the life-saving truth of the gospel.

As abortion has become more limited in our area, women are turning to mail order abortion pills, making up the majority of all abortions. These pills are a death sentence for babies, with a 98% “success” rate. However, if a woman seeks intervention within 24-72 hours from an Abortion Pill Rescue (APR) provider, that baby, who was sentenced to death, now stands a 60% chance of being born healthy.

CHOICES is ready to answer the Lord’s call to bring Abortion Pill Rescue services to Southern Indiana. This requires us to hire an additional nurse, go through a certification process and fund an awareness campaign to make sure those women who regret their decision can find CHOICES and have the hope of saving the life of their baby.

We need partners like YOU to make this service available.

  • $1932 provides an APR certified Nurse to administer LIFE-SAVING Progesterone, Ultrasound, and Counseling to THREE women who regret taking the first abortion pill.

  • $545 Provides Life-saving APR medication to FIVE women.
  • $272 Provides parenting education support for ONE mother who chose LIFE.
  • $183 Provides THREE days of Google ads, ensuring that women who want to rescue their babies from the abortion pill can find CHOICES before it’s too late.

Your Gift saves the tiniest patients from chemical abortion and
aves their mamas from a lifetime of pain and regret.