Your support can save a baby from abortion


The NOISE about “Women’s Health Care,” “Reproductive Rights,” and flat-out “Abortion with NO restriction” has been deafening! Each party screaming to be heard over the other. And honestly, each one is tipping further away from the only TRUTH.

LIFE begins at conception, and the life of EVERY child deserves to be protected!

We join you in celebrating the victory of the overturning of Roe v. Wade. But has this win allowed Pro-Life Christian proponents to take a step back in our victory lap instead of holding firm in the fight?
The fact is abortion has only INCREASED since the overturn of Roe.
Telehealth abortions now make up nearly 1 in 5 of all abortions in the U.S. Patients don’t need to take off work and go to a clinic; they can connect with providers over text messages, phone calls, or video, no matter where they live. Abortion medication is then mailed to them at home.

Join CHOICES in the battle—standing firm on the front line! Regardless of what happens in November, we, the Southern Indiana Pro-Life Christian Community, will continue to CHARGE into battle with your prayers and financial support. Thank you for stepping out in faith to join the work at CHOICES.

God always provides. We rejoice over:

  • 180 women who have changed their minds about abortion so far in 2024 due to the counseling and support they have received at CHOICES! That is,180 babies’ lives saved because you, our community, chose to join the FRONT-LINE battle with us!
  • 197 babies who have been born to families participating in CHOICES programming this year

Your donation provides many services FREE to families in our community.

* $1155
 Saves the lives of THREE babies via counseling and ultrasound.

* $536 Connects a family with a Resource Specialist to overcome obstacles leading them toward abortion.

* $272 Provides parenting education support for one month for a mother who chose LIFE.

* $61 Provides one day of Google Ads, making CHOICES visible for women seeking abortion counseling.

As we face the increased demand for our services in this post-Roe world, YOU can meet the increasing demand to save babies throughout our community with your gift using the secure form below.